Chief Executive Officer

Wolf Conservation Center - South Salem, NY
The Wolf Conservation Center seeks a Chief Executive Officer to lead the Wolf Conservation Center in its next phase of accelerated growth. The Chief Executive Officer will work in partnership with the Board of Directors to provide strategic vision and leadership for the organization. The Chief Executive Officer will oversee advocacy, research, wolf husbandry, education, fundraising, communication, and administrative functions while developing a strategic and operational plan that furthers the mission and vision of the Wolf Conservation Center. The Chief Executive Officer will lead culture change at both the staff and Board levels. Immediate priorities for the incoming Executive Director include completing a $14 million capital campaign, building a new education center, strengthening the governance capacity of the Board of Directors, assessing programs against a set of strategic priorities, and aligning staff and programs for the future.

The Wolf Conservation Center envisions a world where wolves thrive. Its mission is to advance the survival of wolves by inspiring a global community through education, advocacy, research, and recovery. The Wolf Conservation Center is driven by its values of respect, community, and passion. It respects wolves, their complex ecological role, the landscapes they shape, the people who care about them, and the people who live among them. The Wolf Conservation Center is inspired by the pack. It brings people together, nurtures, educates, aids, protects, organizes, and defends—always stronger together. It also has a passion for wolves, for the shared landscapes, and for the work of protecting them. This passion drives the Wolf Conservation Center to learn, see the big picture, and be diligent and tenacious in the long-term work of saving wolves.

"Our new Chief Executive Officer will be someone who appreciates our steady growth and is excited by the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead as we further establish ourselves as leaders in the field of wolf survival, while building out our campus and increasing our staff to meet our growing needs. Our staff and Board are eager to work with our new Chief Executive Officer to ensure a smooth transition and provide continued support as together we realize our dreams and make the Wolf Conservation Center the best it can be." — Martha Hunt Handler, President, Board of Directors

For more information, including core competencies and qualifications, please refer to the full prospectus.